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Laser Technology and Applications in Gynecology

Bibliography of Published Studies & Peer-Reviewed Papers.

FiberLase CO2 Laser Waveguide Learning Curve

The flexible CO2 laser fiber might represent a turning point in the use of laser energy on a large-scale basis in gynecological surgery.

'One Step' and 'Three Step' Laser Vaporization For Ovarian Endometrioma

Does CO2 laser vaporization offer better results in treating endometrioma in terms of ovarian reserve preservation compared to traditional cystectomy?

The Impact On Ovarian Reserve of CO2 Laser Fiber Vaporization In the Treatment of Ovarian Endometrioma: A Prospective Clinical Trial

The CO2 laser can provide precise dissection, ablation, controlled depth of penetration and thermal damage without sacrificing healthy ovarian cortex.

Reproductive Surgery: Decreasing Skills and Advancing Technology—An Existential Conundrum

This study explains how technological advances may alter perception and expectations regarding the indications, timing and extent of surgical intervention.

CO2 Laser Treatment for Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia, Assesment of Recurrence

Assessing the response and evolution of vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN) after CO2 laser treatment.

Treatment of Bartholin Gland Cyst With CO2 Laser

CO2 laser surgery was effective to treat Bartholin gland cysts with minimal or no complications, and can be performed at an outpatient´s setting.

Survey of Use of Lasers In Gynecology

The use of laser technology in gynecology has become widespread since the CO2 laser was initially used by Kaplan and colleagues in 1973 for treatment of cervical erosions. Since then, many advancements in laser technology have been made.