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ColpoSlads and MicroSlads

Lightweight, low profile and easy to use micromanipulators. A joystick is used to control the laser beam at the working plane within the field of view. The red aiming beam indicates the exact position of the CO2 laser beam.

The Colposlad incorporates a Continuously Variable Defocus optical system for varying the spot size, and a joystick for controlling beam position. The unique scanning mechanism of the SurgiTouch Flashscanner delivers a focused laser beam with constant velocity in a spiral pattern over a designated scan area. Laser energy is delivered so quickly that it never lingers on any given point in the scan longer than the thermal relaxation time of tissue, resulting in char-free ablation and predictable, repeatable vaporization. 

To learn more about this groundbreaking technology for gynecologists, simply fill out the form to speak to a local Lumenis rep.

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