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Minimizing Healthcare Resources & Increasing Outcomes:
The CO2 Laser for Value-Based Endometriosis Surgery


This session highlights:

  1. How to get started using the CO2 laser
  2. Use of the CO2 laser on critical structures (fallopian tubes, ureters, bowel, nerves, etc.)
  3. Use of the CO2 laser to manage endometriomas
  4. Denovo Adhesion formation and Adhesiolysis
  5. Why patients want you to use the CO2 laser


Ken Sinervo

Ken Sinervo
The Center for Endometriosis Care

Dr. Ken Sinervo is known globally as a pioneering, expert endometriosis surgeon and considers it a blessing and privilege to work with his patients from all around the world.

Dr. Sinervo excels as a committed teacher and mentor. He is the winner of countless awards, including being named to IAOBGYN’s list of “Top Obstetricians & Gynecologists from around the World” and receiving “Top Doctor,” "Top 10 Doctors," "Most Compassionate Physician," "Patient's Choice," and "Best in Atlanta". He’s been awarded, for 5 years in a row, the Vitals.com "Patient's Choice" honor - earned by < 1% of all U.S. physicians. He’s been appointed to the Standards Committee for the Center of Excellence in Minimally Invasive Gynecology (COEMIG) Program, and was elected by his peers to serve as Vice Chairman, and now Chairman, of the Endometriosis & Reproductive Surgery Special Interest Group (SIG) of the AAGL.

John Dulemba

John Dulemba 
The Women's Centre

Dr. John Dulemba has been practicing medicine in Denton, TX since 1986. He performs gynecological surgery using the CO2 Laser with da Vinci Robot and is an expert in treating endometriosis and pelvic pain. He is a medical advisor for the Endometriosis association and has written publications on endometriosis and pelvic pain. Dr. Dulemba is a member of the Endometriosis Association, Texas Medical Association, Denton County Medical Society, Southwest Physicians Association, American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopist, and International Gynecologic Laparoscopy Association.

He is a former helicopter pilot in the United States military and is proud of his service to his country. He is originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and is an avid Pittsburgh Steelers fan, which is often apparent when he enters the Operating room with his Steeler attire.

Jessica Opoku-Anane

Jessica Opoku-Anane
University of California at San Francisco

Dr. Jessica Opoku-Anane is a fellowship-trained MIG who specializes in the treatment of fibroids, abnormal uterine bleeding, CPP, endometriosis, alternatives to hysterectomy, intrauterine scarring (Asherman’s Syndrome), ovarian pathology, prolapse, and advanced gynecologic surgery. She is a member of the UCSF Comprehensive Fibroid Center and is currently developing the UCSF Center for Endometriosis.

Dr. Opoku-Anane has developed several surgical simulation programs and uses her expertise in minimally invasive approaches to teach trainees both locally and abroad in laparoscopic and robotic surgery through small key-hole incisions. Her research interests include methods to make gynecologic surgery safer as well as improving treatments for endometriosis and fibroids. In particular, she strives to provide a minimally invasive approach to her patients’ surgical needs whenever possible.

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