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Use of CO2 lasers to safely excise endometriosis
resulting in better, more cost effective outcomes

This session highlights:

  1. Why the FiberLase CO2 laser waveguide is a critical component in the GYN armamentarium
  2. Surgical goals and approaches to reduce pain, increase fertility, and decrease recurrence for your patients with endometriosis
  3. How to excise superficial and deeply infiltrating endometriosis from a variety of sensitive organs


Ceana Nezhat

Ceana Nezhat
Nezhat Medical Center

Dr. Ceana Nezhat is a world‐renowned gynecological surgeon and medical director of Nezhat Medical Center in Atlanta, which specializes in minimally invasive surgical treatment of severe and multi‐organ endometriosis, infertility, and urologic and pelvic reconstruction. He has developed techniques and refined instrumentation for minimally invasive surgery for the benefit of patients globally.

Dr. Nezhat offers patients decades of gynecological expertise, both surgically, as well as the management and treatment of hormone therapy and reproductive medicine. Dr. Nezhat has treated thousands of patients with a variety of pelvic disorders. Endometriosis is one of his special interests. He advocates its early detection and treatment by educating primary caregivers of young women the signs and symptoms of this debilitating disease.

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